Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Touching Spirit Bear

Comment on this book. Say:
1. Why you liked it.
2. What was your favorite part.
3. What the characters could've done better.
4. How they were rescued.
5. The three other questions that Ms. Bechert asked us.
         a) What was the survival situation.
         b) Who helped them.
         c) The characteristics that helped the characters to survive.


  1. I liked the book beacause it had a lot happening and there was some drama.I liked the part where he was left to die and he realized life. Well cole could have not burned his shelter and all his supplies. When cole was dieing on the ground garvey came back to save him. he was on a remote island with no supplies or shelter. no one. Cole didnt have many skills to survive.

  2. I liked Touching Spirit Bear because it was an adventurous book that didn't bore me, and kept me interested in it the whole time. My favorite part of the book was when Cole went back to the island for the second time, and with Garvey and Edwin's help, got over his anger and madness, and helped the person he really physically hurt become more understanding and forgiving of what he did. I think the people in the circle of justice could have at least tried to believe him a little after he went to the island, because I felt bad for Cole when he really was getting better, and nobody believed him. Cole was rescued in the end when Garvey and Edwin taught him the ways to get over his anger, and he taught those ways to the kid he hurt. Then they became friends. The survival situation in this book was that Cole had to overcome his anger and blaming everyone but himself, by going to an island and trying to survive all by himself with no one to blame his mistakes on but himself. The people who helped him were Garvey and Edwin, and near the end, his mom. Some characteristics that helped Cole to survive were, bravery,and independence, and the ability to be able to stick to what he had to do.

  3. 1.I liked it because it is suspenceful and has a good plot.
    2.My favorite part was when Cole danced the dance of anger.
    3.Cole did not have to burn the shelter
    4.After Cole served his time on the island, Garvey and Edwin took him back.
    5.A:Cole had to fend for himself on a remote Alaskan island.B:Garvey, Edwin and the spirit bear
    C:Cole was physically and mentally strong.

  4. I liked this book because it explained stuff and I liked that it was very descriptive. My favorite part was when he got destroy ed by the bear cause it waz very exciteing. Cole should have been better in his desions and his life before the bear. Cole was rescued by garvey and i forgor the other guys name.

  5. 1) I liked touching Spirit Bear because it was interesting.
    2)I liked the part where he got mauled by the bear because that part was really suspenceful.
    3)He could of not burnt the shelter, and he would be warm, and he shouldn't of attacked the bear, and he would not have been harmed.
    4)He was rescued when they were bringing him food for the month, or week.
    5a)The survival situation is he has to stay on an Alaskan island for as long as he can.
    5b)He was on his own to survive, exept when he was mauled b the bear.
    5c)He survived by eating things he wouldn't eat,and beleiving that he will survive.

  6. I liked Touching Spirit Bear because it was a great book that showed a person can change for the better. My favorite part of the book was when Cole was laying on the ground, injured trying to just stay alive. What Cole could have done better was not burn down his shelter, try to swim off the island, and not have tried to attack spirit bear. Cole was rescued by garvey when he was delivering supplies. The survival situatioin was Cole got banished to an island off the coast of Alaska and had to survive for a year. Two native americans named Garvey and Edwin helped Cole survive. Some characteristics that helped Cole survive was persistance,and determination.
    Nick .E

  7. My book was really intense and fast, u would never want to put it down until u finished.My favorite part was when cole was abuot to die and the spirit bear saved cole from dieing. Garvy could have done better in some sceens. cole was straned on an island about to die half dead.the helped cole survive.

  8. I liked the book because it showed that jail is not always the answer for violent people like Cole. Alternative punishments like being banished to an island like Cole was helps people change, unlike jail. actually, going to jail is even glorified amongst gangs and criminals. Cole really changed his ways with his punishment, even if he didn't really mean to change at first. the book portrayed this, which I approved of.

  9. My favorite part was when he ate a rat raw because it made him realize that he was not omnipident and that he was equal with all other nature.

  10. Cole could have done a multitude of things better. He shouln't have been so unethical, but his father shouldn't have beaten him and his mother should have tried to stop him earlier. Cole sould never have burned his supplies and tried to swim away.
